Here are the recommended image format and sizing for organization brand assets for white-labeling on Latch.

Workspace and Organization Avatar

Each Workspace owned by an org has has an avatar with an Org sub-avatar:

The Organization Avatar can be updated under Organization Settings. Recommended size is 200px by 200px and format is JPEG or PNG.

We also recommend using a variation of your logo similar to what you would use for your website favicon so its also legible at smaller sizes.

The Workspace Avatar can be uploaded under General Settings for a Workspace. Recommended size is 200px by 200px and format is JPEG or PNG.

For you Organization Primary Logo we recommend using a PNG with transparent background and with a 160px height so it shows up crisp. To make sure it renders properly across different email clients we recommend only using PNG.

For your Organization Badge Logo we recommend using a PNG with a transparent background and with a 84px height so it shows up crisp. The brand color is used for the background of the badge, so make sure to use a color that contrasts well with the logo.

For you Banner Background you can use a JPEG or PNG and with the recommended dimensions of 380px height by 1200px width