Latch Verified Workflows

Latch Verified is a suite of bioinformatics software with user-friendly interfaces built with the LatchBio SDK.

Latch Verified workflows are built and maintained by our engineers to guarantee benchmarked tool-selection from frequent literature reviews, battle-tested source code, and intuitive parameters distilled from the feedback of hundreds of scientists.

Upload your Custom Workflow

The Latch SDK is an open-source toolchain to define serverless bioinformatics workflows with plain python and deploy associated no-code interfaces using single command.

Bioinformatics workflows developed with the SDK automatically receive:

  • Instant no-code interfaces for accessibility and publication.
  • First class static typing.
  • Containerization and versioning of every registered change.
  • Reliable and scalable managed cloud infrastructure.
  • Single line definition of arbitrary resource requirements (eg. CPU, GPU) for serverless execution.

Get Started with the Latch SDK

Explore the SDK Developer Documentation

Define serverless bioinformatics workflows with plain Python and deploy no-code interfaces using single commands.

Learn about Workflow Automations

Automatically run workflows on top of folders in Latch Data when triggered by specific events.

The Anatomy of Workflows

With workflows, you can access community workflows, automate workflows, and execute workflows.