What are Latch Plots?
Set up dashboards with interactive visualizations and data transformations for scientists to explore their data.
Latch Plots enable scientific teams to get faster and more reproducible results (e.g., standard curves, normalized fluorescence, cell gating) while freeing your bench team’s time for rote analysis of qPCR, plate readers, ELISA, and flow cytometry.
Get Started
- Streamline the analysis process, reducing manual input and enhancing result consistency and traceability.
- Centralize data storage, making information easily accessible to all team members.
Plots Basics
Learn the basics to make a Plot layout.
Create visualizations with variables & access dev mode.
Data Plotting
Use different plot types, customize your plot, & filter your table!
Data Transformations
Learn how to use Python to create data collection widgets.
Filtering with Tables
View data and filter it for downstream use.
Text Display
Write markdown descriptions
Biotech teams use plot dashboards to integrate the data avilable on Latch with external databases and warehouses. Here we provide quickstart documentation and boilerplate code to do this for popular systems:
Who are Plots for?
Latch Plots offer a standardized and efficient solution for the wet lab to understand data from plate-based biochemical assays, and for bioinformaticians to create data transformations.
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