LLM Integration for Plots
Use LLM to assemble fully interactive analyses and applications in Latch Plots
Latch Plots has a built-in LLM capable of performing various tasks, from basic statistical analyses and visualizations in Python to building fully interactive applications.
To achieve this, we prompt engineered Claude 3 to:
Understand the different components of Latch Plots. This includes how to:
Create Python cells with interactive input widgets
Install any library and write any code for analyses
Use Text cells for displaying text-based responses to questions
Choose the correct cell based on the user-inputted prompt
Navigate to correct line numbers of target cell to fix errors
And more
Understand LPath APIs
All files and folders uploaded to Latch are stored in Latch Data, a remote data/ object store on Latch. The LLM knows how to read and write data from and to LData using Python’s LPath APIs.
Understand the context of the existing Python notebook.
The LLM the has context of all current and previous cells in the notebook, including existing global variables, previously written code, and past prompts.
Focus on existing data frame in a notebook or files/folders on Latch Data
Every LLM prompt box includes an Attach button, allowing you to select one or more dataframes from your current notebook or files and folders stored on Latch Data. You can also attach instructional documents, such as analysis tutorials (e.g., scanpy), to provide context and guide the LLM’s analysis.
All results and code generated by the LLM are stored in that Plot notebook, ensuring traceability and reproducibiltiy for future analyses
We walk through a few common examples of effective prompts to demonstrate how the LLM can be used in realistic biological flows.
Example 1: Generate Prism-like Dose-Response Curves
Below is a typical XY table from GraphPad Prism that records the responses between two groups (No Inhibitor vs. Inhibitor) against various agonist concentrations. Our end goal is to create a graph set of two dose-response curves.
First, to make it easier to work with, we transformed the GraphPad Prism XY table format to a long table format with columns such as sample names, replicates, condition (Inhibitor vs. no inhibitor), agonist concentration, and dose-response values.
To upload this file to Plots, click Attach → Files → Drag and drop the file to the Latch data browser. Then click Select.
Because the agonist concentrations span many orders of magnitude, we want to log-transform these concentration values before performing nonlinear regression.
Prompt: Log transform the Agonist Concentration column. Store the results in a new column called Log_Agonist_Concentration.
Result: The LLM will write Python code using LPath APIs to download the remote file from Latch Data and pandas to read the local file into a data frame for analysis. Every data frame on Latch Plots comes with a default table viewer, so you can inspect what the results look like.
Prompt: Create a plot with two dose-response curves, one for inhibitor and one for no inhibitor. Log agonist concentration is on the X axis, and Value is on the Y axis. Use the Variable slope (four parameters) model for logistic regression.
Result: The LLM will write code using curve_fit from the scipy.optimize library to create the dose-response curves.
You can further prompt the LLM to update the aesthetics of the graph to mimic the GraphPad Prism style.
Prompt: The x-axis, labeled ‘[Agonist], M’, should be on a logarithmic scale ranging from 10^-10 to 10^-3, and the y-axis, labeled ‘Response’, should range from -100 to 500. Plot two datasets: ‘No inhibitor’ (blue circles) and ‘Inhibitor’ (green squares). Add smooth fitted curves to both datasets, with blue and green colors matching the markers. Include a legend in the top left corner with corresponding symbols. Use solid lines for the fitted curves, simple fonts, and minimal gridlines for a clean presentation.
Example 2: Perform statistics between groups
When comparing groups, adding statistical annotations to plots can be helpful. statsannotation is a robust Python library that simplifies this process by calculating p-values and adding annotations for various statistical tests (using scipy.stats), including:
t-test (independent and paired)
Welch’s t-test
Levene test
Wilcoxon test
Kruskal-Wallis test
Brunner-Munzel test
Instead of writing custom functions and manually adjusting aesthetics, it’s recommended you install statsannotation and prompt the LLM to use it directly.
Prompt: Install the statsannotation library.
Next, we want to provide the LLM with the context on how to use the library. To do so, we can download the README.md from the library’s GitHub and attach it as a file to the LLM. Confirm that the document’s context is added by asking the LLM to provide a summary of the library.
Prompt: Use the statsannotations library to create box plots of IC50 (µM) across different Cell Lines.
For the first pass, the plot generated can be cluttered.
Prompt: Hide the non-significant annotations.
You can also explicitly specify pairs to compare between.
Prompt: Only show the statistical annotation between “HCT116 (Colon Cancer)” and “U87 (Glioblastoma)”.
Example 3: Perform Data Integration & Single-cell Analyses
Next, we walk through a more advanced examples of common steps in single-cell analysis, using the paper Repeated peripheral infusions of anti-EGFRvIII CAR T cells in combination with pembrolizumab show no efficacy in glioblastoma: a phase 1 trial by Bagley et. al
We selected this paper because it demonstrates advanced single-cell analysis workflows, including dataset integration with metadata, batch processing across samples, cell type annotation (automatic or manual), and generating statistical plots to compare gene expression levels pre- and post-treatment.
These workflows are common in studies involving multiple treatments and patient cohorts but are more complex than standard single-cell analyses like PBMC3K.
This complexity provides an opportunity to stress test LLMs and identify prompts that perform well.
You are working with a dataset stored on Latch Data, where:
The attached dataset folder is structured into subfolders named GSMXXXX (e.g., GSM7770561), each representing a sample.
Within each sample folder:
If .mtx files (e.g., files ending with matrix.mtx.gz, barcodes.tsv.gz, and features.tsv.gz) are present, the folder represents a valid single-cell dataset. If no .mtx files are found, disregard the folder.
Additionally, you have a SraRunTable.csv file in the same location containing metadata for these samples. The relevant columns from the CSV are source_name, time, tissue, and treatment.
Your task is to:
Use LPath to access the data stored on Latch.
Download and process only valid single-cell samples (those containing .mtx files).
Use scanpy to read these samples and combine them into a single AnnData object.
Integrate the metadata (source_name, time, tissue, treatment) into the combined AnnData object.
Save the combined AnnData object for downstream analyses.
Follow best practices in the Scanpy tutorial provided.
The LLM was able to use LPath API successfully to check for folders with the correct sample names, download them, and read them into an adata object using Scanpy. It was also able to inspect the SraRun.csv downloaded from Sequence Read Archive, and adding the appropriate metadata to the obs layer for each adata per sample. Finally, it merged all H5ADs into one big adata object, with sample ID being a column in the obs layer.
To save time when notebook re-runs in the future, we an also instruct the LLM to save the result into a new H5AD stored in local disk and uploaded to Latch Data.
Check if “combined_data.h5ad” exists locally. If so, load object from disk and skip the rest of the steps.
Prompt: Create a new adata object with only brain tissue samples from patients 1, 6, and 7.
Next, let’s give it a list of prompts to perform the pre-processing steps for the small_combined adata object.
Pro-tip: We DO NOT recommend writing a long prompt of all steps in sequence. The LLM seems to perform better when you give it one specific instruction at a time. Another common mistake is give generic and vague prompts (e.g. “Make some QC plots”).
Prompt: You have already created a “small_combined” adata object. Use scanpy to calculate QC metrics.
Prompt: Apply these additional quality filters: A series of quality filters were applied to the data to remove cell barcodes: too few total transcript counts (<300
); possible debris with too few genes expressed (100); more than one cell with too many genes expressed (>5–10,000) and too many UMIs (>5–10,000); possible dead cell or a sign of cellular stress and apoptosis with too high proportion of mitochondrial gene expression over the total transcript counts (>10–20%)
When provided with single-prompt instructions, it also performed the subsequent steps successfully, mimicking the standard steps in the scanpy tutorial.
Prompt: Perform normalization
Prompt: Perform dimensionality reduction of data using PCA
Prompt: Compute the neighborhood graph of cells and visualize the UMAP according to the sample
Prompt: Create a select widget that allows users to select what to color the UMAP by.
Prompt: Perform Leiden clustering
Given the iterative nature of single-cell analyses, we want to provide widgets for users to refine certain parameters to generate different UMAPs.
Prompt: Add two widgets for users to fill in the number of PCs used and number of neighbors used
Prompt: Implement Celltypist for automatic cell type annotation.
Here, it wrote the majority of the code, including installing CellTypist, selecting the correct reference model, and predicting the cell types. (It failed to realize that the output type of CellTypist is a dataframe, hence incorrectly passing the dataframe column to the obs layer. This requires programmer’s intervention to fix.)
We can also use the LLM to ask questions about gene markers of specific cell types.
Prompt: What are the markers for B Cells?
We next asked it to make a widget, so users can select genes of interest and confirm the predicted cell type by looking at these marker genes.
Prompt: Make a select widget that allows users to color the UMAP by expression of genes.
We then chose MS4A1 as the gene of interest as it’s a canonical for the B-lymphocyte surface antigen B1. Indeed, the cluster with B cell as the predicted cell type lit up!
Similarly, users can select HLA-DRA expression, a gene encoding the alpha chain of HLA-DR, a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule. This gene is typically expressed by antigen-presenting cells like macrophages and dendritic cells to present antigens to CD4+ T cells. As anticipated, HLA-DRA shows higher expression in the cluster predicted to contain macrophages, supporting the accuracy of our cell type annotation.
Next, we want focus on the T cell cluster and further label more granular T cell types.
Prompt: Create a t_cell_adata object that’s a subset of the adata object, where majority voting is T cell
As CellTypist does not perform well with T cell subtypes, we resort to manually annotating these cell types with marker genes.
Write a Python script using the Scanpy library to assign marker gene lists to the following cell types in a single-cell RNA-seq dataset:
Tregs cells
IFN-stimulated CD4 and CD8 T cells
Effector/exhausted CD8 T cells
Memory CD4 T cells
Resident memory CD8 T cells
NK cells
The script should:
Take an AnnData object as input (e.g., t_cell_adata).
Define marker genes for each cell type as a dictionary (you may provide generic examples).
Use these marker genes to assign cell types to clusters in the dataset.
Assume the clusters are precomputed and available in adata.obs[‘leiden’].
Use scanpy functions like tl.rank_genes_groups to refine marker assignments.
Output a table or file summarizing the assigned cell types and their marker genes.
Next, we want to see gene express levels of various T cells markers.
Markers like TOX, PDCD1 (PD-1), LAG3, and CTLA4 are hallmarks of T cell exhaustion, a dysfunctional state where T cells lose their ability to effectively kill tumor cells. High expression of these markers on CAR T cells post-treatment may indicate that the CAR T cells are becoming exhausted, reducing their efficacy in targeting glioblastoma cells.
Pembrolizumab blocks PD-1, a key exhaustion marker, to reinvigorate exhausted T cells. Monitoring PDCD1 (PD-1) and other exhaustion markers post-treatment helps assess whether pembrolizumab is successfully reversing T cell exhaustion.
Let’s proceed with creating violin plots to see expression of these markers pre- and post-treatment across different patients.
Prompt: For the gene TOX, create a violin plot of pre- and post-treatment for patient 1
Prompt: Create the same plot for each of the following genes: TOX, PDCD1, LAG3, CTLA4.
Prompt: Generate the same set of plots for all other patients in addition to Patient 1.
The LLM generated violin plots comparing pre- and post-treatment expression levels of four exhausted T cell markers for all 3 patients. The p-values (<0.05
) indicate a significant increase in the expression of these markers post-treatment. Further studies are likely needed to determine the extent to which these changes were driven by CAR T cells plus pembrolizumab.
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