Latch’s Nextflow integration is built on top of Nextflow 23.11.0 and includes additional functionality to support execution on the Latch platform.

Latch’s patched version of Nextflow is included in the Dockerfile generated by the Latch SDK. This Dockerfile is generated at .latch/Dockerfile in your project directory when a Nextflow workflow is registered.

Updating Nextflow

The Latch development team will periodically update the Nextflow version to include new features, optimizations, and bug fixes. The full changelog of features can be found here.

You can view the version of Nextflow that your workflow is running by inspecting the .latch/Dockerfile in your project directory. The FROM line at the top of the file will include the Nextflow version that your workflow is running. For example, the following Dockerfile is using Nextflow version 1.1.3:



To upgrade to the latest version, you can modify your .latch/config file to include the desired version of Nextflow. For example, to upgrade to version 1.1.4, you can update the base_image field in your .latch/config file:

{"latch_version": "2.50.3", "base_image": "", "date": "2024-07-15T16:48:40.691490"}

Once you re-register your workflow, the Latch SDK will generate a new Dockerfile with the updated Nextflow version.

When updating your version of Nextflow, it is also highly recommended to update your version of the Latch SDK to the latest version