This requires an account on Latch. Register for a free account and log into the Latch Console

Install the Latch CLI
  1. Install Latch:

Run this in your terminal to install the Latch CLI and all of its dependancies:

python3 -m pip install latch

  1. Authenticate with Latch

Run this to authenticate your Latch CLI locally. This will open up a new browser window and authenticate the CLI using your account’s API key.

latch login

Create your first workflow

I want to use:

  1. Create your workflow from a template

This will download the subprocess workflow template using the Latch SDK framework to a directory called covid-wf.

latch init covid-wf --template subprocess 
  1. Register your workflow

This will upload your workflow to your account here on Latch where you can then view the parameters and run it.

latch register --yes --open covid-wf 

To launch the workflow, use the Test Data button at the top of the parameters and click Launch.

  1. Congratulations! You successfully uploaded your first workflow to Latch

Next steps are: