An Account object describes an account on Latch. An Account can be instantiated either using the class method Account.current() (recommended), or directly using its ID.

from latch.account import Account
acc = Account.curent()

When calling Account.current(), the returned Account object is different depending on the context in which it is run:

  • When running in an execution, the returned Account corresponds to the workspace in which the execution was run. This means that if User A runs an execution in Workspace B, the returned Account is for Team B.
  • When running inside a Pod or Plot notebooik, the returned Account corresponds to the workspace in which the Pod or Plot notebook lives.
  • When running outside of an execution, in e.g. latch develop, the returned Account corresponds to the setting of latch workspace at calling time, defaulting to the user if no setting is found.

Accounts are lazy, in that they don’t perform any network requests without an explicit call to Account.load() or to a property getter.

Instance Methods

The only non-getter method on an Account is Account.load(). This method, if called, will perform a network request and cache values for each of the Account’s properties.

Property Getters

All property getters have an optional load_if_missing boolean argument which, if True, will call Account.load() if the requested property has not been loaded already. This defaults to True.

  • Account.list_registry_projects() will return a list of Project objects, each correspondng to a project within the calling Account.
from latch.account import Account, Project

# Get the current account and list all projects
account = Account.current()
projects = account.list_registry_projects()

[Project(id=123, display_name="Project A"), Project(id=456, display_name="Project B")]


A Account can be modified by using the Account.update() function. Account.update() returns a context manager (and hence must be called using with syntax) with the following methods:

  • upsert_project(name: str) will create a project with name name.
with account.update() as updater:
    updater.upsert_registry_project("New Project")
  • delete_project(id: str) will delete the project with id id. If no such project exists, the method call will be a noop.
with account.update() as updater: