Latch’s Nextflow integration allows developers to build graphical interfaces to expose their Nextflow workflows to wet lab teams. It also provides managed cloud infrastructure to execute, debug, and analyze your workflows.

A primary goal for the Nextflow integration is to allow developers to register existing Nextflow projects with minimal added boilerplate and modifications to code.

How it works

Latch’s Nextflow integration utilizes a patched version of the Nextflow Kubernetes plugin to execute processes in a containerized environment.

When registering a Nextflow project on Latch, the Latch SDK generates a workflow that runs the Nextflow pipeline. The generated workflow consists of two tasks:

  1. Initialization: provisions a shared storage device containing a filesystem that will store processes’ inputs and outputs.
  2. Nextflow Runtime: stages the input files on the shared filesystem and executes the Nextflow workflow as a subprocess. As the Nextflow runtime executes the workflow, the Latch SDK will monitor the workflow’s progress and update the Latch Console with the workflow’s status.

To see the integration in action, check out the Nextflow tutorial.