The Nextflow integration leverages Nextflow’s built-in caching mechanism to store intermediate results of a workflow execution. These cached outputs are retained after the execution has completed, allowing users to make changes to their workflow and relaunch without re-running the entire workflow.

By default, Latch will not store the intermediate outputs of a workflow after completion. To enable this feature, update the storage_expiration_hours field in the NextflowResourceRuntime object in your latch_metadata. This field configures the number of hours the cache will be available for relaunch after failure. If the workflow succeeds, the cache will be deleted immediately.

from latch.types.metadata import NextflowMetadata, NextflowRuntimeResources


The Nextflow work directory is stored in AWS EFS; therefore, increasing the storage_expiration_hours for your workflow can significantly increase its cost. The storage costs associated with Nextflow workflows can be found under “Nextflow EFS” section on the Latch Console billing page.

Once you have configured the storage_expiration_hours and launched your updated workflow, you can resume failed executions from the Latch Console.

To resume a Nextflow pipeline from a failed task, click the “Relaunch from Failed Task” button in the sidebar of your workflow execution:

Nextflow Workflow GUI