Map Task
There are many pipelines in bioinformatics that require running a processing step in parallel and aggregating their outputs at the end for downstream analysis. A prominent example of this is bulk RNA-sequencing, where alignment is performed to produce transcript abundances per sample, and gene counts of all samples are subsequently merged. Having a single count matrix makes it convenient to use in downstream steps, such as differential gene expression analysis. Another example is performing FastQC on multiple samples and summarizing the results in a MultiQC report.
The Latch SDK introduces a construct called map_task
to help parallelize a
task across a list of inputs. This means you can run multiple instances of
the task at the same time inside a single workflow, providing valuable
performance gains.
Let’s look at a simple example below!
First, import map_task
into your workflow:
from typing import List
from latch import map_task, small_task, workflow
Next, define a task to use in the map task.
A map task can only accept one input and produce one output.
def a_mappable_task(a: int) -> str:
inc = a + 2
stringified = str(inc)
return stringified
Let’s also define a task that collects the mapped output and returns a string:
def coalesce(b: List[str]) -> str:
coalesced = "".join(b)
return coalesced
We can run a_mappable_task
across a collection of inputs using the map_task
function. This function takes in a_mappable_task
and returns a mapped version of that task. This mapped version takes as input a list of inputs to a_mappable_task
, and returns a list of the outputs of a_mappable_task
run on all inputs in the list in parallel.
def my_map_workflow(a: typing.List[int]) -> str:
mapped_out = map_task(a_mappable_task)(a=a)
coalesced = coalesce(b=mapped_out)
return coalesced
That’s it! You’ve successfully defined a_mappable_task
that is passed to a
and run repeatedly on a list of inputs in parallel. You have also
defined a coalesce
task to collect the list of outputs from the mapped task
and returns a string.
Map a Task with Multiple Inputs
You may want to map a task with multiple inputs.
For example, the task below takes in 2 inputs, a base and a DNA sequence, and returns the percentage of that base in the sequence:
def count_task(base: str, dna_sequence: str) -> float:
return dna_sequence.count(base) / len(dna_sequence) * 100
But we only want to map this task with the base
input while the
stays the same. Since a map task accepts only one input, we can
do this by creating a new task that prepares the map task’s inputs.
We start by putting the inputs in a Dataclass and dataclass_json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class MapInput:
base: str
dna_sequence: str
Let’s also define our helper task to prepare the map task’s inputs.
def prepare_map_inputs(list_base: List[str], dna_sequence: str) -> List[MapInput]:
return [MapInput(base, dna_sequence) for base in list_base]
We now refactor the original count_task
. Instead of 2 inputs, count_task
has a single input:
def mappable_task(input: MapInput) -> float:
return input.dna_sequence.count(input.base) / len(input.dna_sequence) * 100
Let’s use the new mappable_task
in our workflow:
def count_wf(list_base: List[str] = ["A", "T", "C", "G"], dna_sequence: str = "AAAATTTCCGG") -> List[float]:
prepared = prepare_map_inputs(list_base=list_base, dna_sequence=dna_sequence)
return map_task(mappable_task)(input=prepared)
Great! Now, we are able to use the count_wf
to spin up four tasks in
parallel. The map_task
returns a list of four floats, each of which is the
percentage of base pair in the DNA sequence.
Bonus: Learning through a Biological Example
In the example below, we walk through a practical example of how we can use the map task construct to run FastQC on multiple samples and summarize their results in a MultiQC report.
First, we define a Dataclass that contains a sample name and its associated FastQ file:
class Sample:
sample_name: str
fastq: LatchFile
Then, we create a task to run FastQC on a single sample and output the result under the FastQC Results folder on Latch.
def fastqc_task(sample) -> LatchDir:
outdir = Path("/root/fastqc_result").resolve()
_fastqc_cmd = [
], check=True)
return LatchDir("/root/fastqc_result", f"latch:///FastQC Results/{sample.sample_name}")
Concept check: Note how this task will later be mapped across a list of samples. Therefore, the task is defined to accept one input and return one output.
Next, define a second task to run MultiQC on a given directory for analysis logs and compiles a HTML report.
def multiqc_task(fastqc_results: List[LatchDir]) -> LatchDir:
outdir = Path("/root/multiqc_results").resolve()
fastqc_dirs = [result.local_path for result in fastqc_results]
_multiqc_cmd = ["multiqc"] + fastqc_dirs + ["-o", outdir], check=True)
return LatchDir(outdir, "latch:///MultiQC Results")
Concept check: Because the map task will return a list of LatchDir
each of which contains an individual sample’s FastQC results, the
needs to also accept a list of LatchDir
Finally, we can specify our workflow, which accepts a list of Sample
s and
returns a single directory with the MultiQC report:
def fastqc_multiqc_wf(samples: List[Sample]) -> LatchDir:
fastqc_results = map_task(fastqc_task)(sample=samples) # returns List[LatchDir]
return multiqc_task(fastqc_results=fastqc_results) # accepts a List[LatchDir] and return a single LatchDir with the MultiQC result
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