A Record object describes a Registry Record, and can be created either from an Table via Table.list_records() or directly using its ID.

Records are lazy, in that they don’t perform any network requests without an explicit call to Record.load() or to a property getter.

Instance Methods

The only non-getter method on a Record is Record.load(). This method, if called, will perform a network request and cache values for each of the Record’s properties.

Property Getters

All property getters have an optional load_if_missing boolean argument which, if True, will call Record.load() if the requested property has not been loaded already. This defaults to True.

  • Record.get_name() will return the name of the calling Record as a string.
  • Record.get_values() will return a dictionary of the calling Record’s values. The keys of the dictionary are strings and must be valid column keys of the calling Record’s containing Table. The values of the dictionary can either be valid python values, or the special values EmptyCell or InvalidValue.