Step by Step

  1. Register as a developer on the BaseSpace Dev Portal
  2. Create a new application
  3. Set Application Details
    1. Application Name: LatchBio <> [Your Organization] | API Key
    2. Organization Name: LatchBio
    3. App Type: Native
    4. Description: For transfer of FASTQ files from BaseSpace.
  4. Go to Credentials
  5. Copy your API Key
  6. Go to the Latch Platform and the Data Tab.
  7. Click the Import from BaseSpace button (cloud icon).
  8. Add an account and paste your Access Token and give it a display name to help you identify which BaseAccount it corresponds to.
  9. Select and import your runs
    1. You’re able to either import the raw Run files or a Project into Latch.
    2. It will show up in a folder named “BASESPACE_IMPORTS”