First, navigate to the Apps tab on the left sidebar.

Click Add Pod to create your first Pod. You will be prompted to the Pod settings page to specify your Pod’s name, compute, and storage resources.

You can choose from a maximum of 93 CPU cores and 730 GiB RAM for your Pod, or up to 1 GPU. Currently, GPU Pods are limited to 1 GPU, 15 cores, and 60 GiB RAM. Pod resources can also be modified easily at a later time once the Pod has been created.

Click Create Pod to start launching your Pod.

Depending on your resource settings, Pods may take 5-10 minutes to start. Larger pods are likely to take longer to start up.

RStudio and Jupyter Labs

Once a Pod is running, JupyterLab and RStudio will start automatically. Click on the Jupyter Labs or RStudio buttons to access your notebook environment.

At first, you will see the RStudio and Jupyter Labs buttons greyed out. This means the applications are starting, may take an additionally 30 seconds to 1 minute to start.

Mount Latch Data inside Latch Pods

Mounting the entire Latch Data file system onto Pods is easy. First, open JupyterLabs and click on Terminal to launch new terminal session.

To mount Latch Data onto Latch Pods for the first time, type:


To automatically re-mount Latch Data on Latch Pods when starting the same Pod in the future, type:

systemctl start latch-ldata-automount

Latch Data will appear under the /ldata folder. If you want the folder to appear under the /root directory, you can create a symlink like so:

ln -s /ldata /root

That’s it! You have successfully started your first Pod, which has RStudio and Jupyter Labs pre-installed, and direct access to Latch Data.